Ginza Xiaoma is Asia’s No.1 Hermès reseller. We buy, sell, consign and trade-in Hermès handbags worldwide through our website, social channels and our Tokyo boutique in the exclusive Ginza district. We source a huge diversity of Hermès handbags from across the globe. Browse our museum-worthy boutique, stacked wall to wall with some of the rarest and most unusual pieces on the market. This carefully curated selection of pristine Birkin, Kelly, Constance and other handbags features limited edition, vintage, special order and one-of-a-kind pieces, as well as coveted classics. We have built a proud reputation for our unshakeable commitment to authenticity, which has attracted a prestigious and loyal clientele. Our in-house experts are some of the most seasoned and well-respected in the industry, with millions of Hermès handbags authenticated throughout careers that have spanned decades. Every item we sell has been scrutinized and certified authentic. We provide personalized, VIP services for our clients. This includes a VIP room for discretion and privacy, exclusive first-look services, handbag sourcing, hand-delivery and bespoke product curations.
Our boutique and online shelves are always stacked with more than 500 Hermès handbags and accessories, many of which are brand new or unused. Our standards are high, so you can always expect to find your favorite bags in excellent condition.
We have a deep understanding of Hermès and the worldwide markets and offer you some of the highest rates worldwide when you sell and consignyour items with us. Which means most of our consignment items are quickly sold.
Level up your collection by trading in your lesser-used bag for one you can love forever. We tap into our global network to source rare, limited edition and vintage Hermès. If there’s a bag you want that we don’t have, we’ll do everything we can to source it for you.
Browse our world-class curation of rare, collectible, special order and classic Hermès Birkin, Kelly, Constance and other handbags. We receive new bags every day and always have more than 500 in stock. We hand-select every bag and we never compromise on condition. Every item we sell is brand new, unused or in exceptionally good condition.
Browse our world-class curation of rare, collectible, special order and classic Hermès Birkin, Kelly, Constance and other handbags. We receive new bags every day and always have more than 500 in stock. We hand-select every bag and we never compromise on condition. Every item we sell is brand new, unused or in exceptionally good condition.
When you buy from us, you can be sure of guaranteed authenticity. Our authenticators and appraisers are highly respected in the industry for their unparalleled Hermès expertise and meticulous white glove service. We employ a rigorous authentication process, certifying the authenticity of every item with the Ginza Xiaoma seal of approval before it reaches our shelves.
When you buy from us, you can be sure of guaranteed authenticity. Our authenticators and appraisers are highly respected in the industry for their unparalleled Hermès expertise and meticulous white glove service. We employ a rigorous authentication process, certifying the authenticity of every item with the Ginza Xiaoma seal of approval before it reaches our shelves.
Enjoy discreet, confidential and professional service with Ginza Xiaoma, whether you are looking to expand, downsize or refresh your wardrobe. Our personalized VIP services extend to styling consultations, VIP rooms, exclusive first-look access for our rarest pieces and hand deliveries. If you have a particular bag in mind our specialists will be happy to tap into our network to source it for you.
Enjoy discreet, confidential and professional service with Ginza Xiaoma, whether you are looking to expand, downsize or refresh your wardrobe. Our personalized VIP services extend to styling consultations, VIP rooms, exclusive first-look access for our rarest pieces and hand deliveries. If you have a particular bag in mind our specialists will be happy to tap into our network to source it for you.